Clients who pay more in tips are not the best clients. A while back I would have said this statement is only 99% true but now it applies 100 percent of the time.
What makes the higher tippers so undesirable over time? I believe it is in how they begin to view themselves - allowing themselves to feel like they are more important than the average client.
I will tell the story of the 1% client; well he was the one remaining client who kept the initial statement of this entry at 99%.
At the beginning, when we first started seeing each other it was very nice. I was his first escort, and he expressed to me a great number of times that he was lucky to have met someone so wonderful and beautiful. One of his fears, before we met, was to set up a session with a 300 pound beast posing as a slender young lady in her advertisements. Of course, he was lucky when he picked me from the first go without doing any research as I turned out to be exactly what my pictures showed.
Right away he started tipping me $100 on top of my fee, each time we saw each other. On the third meeting something odd occurred, in the entry titled Escort - Counterfeit Bills I further explained how a client slipped me a counterfeit $100 bill. This was in fact, the client I am currently writing about.
Summarizing the previous entry, he did settle the issue by giving me a real bill and generously tipping me for the trouble he had caused.
I have him to thank for being very cautious with money these days, I now triple check each bill I get from a client. And after the incident with him, I had always checked his payment extra well. :)
Moving on, we kept seeing each other consistently for over a year. He started to shower me with expensive gifts (only one that actually became useful to me - an iPhone 4S). And other gifts were of expensive clothing/accessories that I would never want to wear (he has poor taste in clothing for young women). I left these still gift wrapped, in case I’ll need to give someone a present one-day.
Then one day, I noticed that his attitude slowly started to change for the worse. He was not the most astute guy to begin with, but it was like he was losing more tact.
I remember it all starting with a tiny pimple. I am human, and well we all at times get blemishes on our skin. One day, when we met, he said, “Oh no, what is that?” As he pointed at the small pimple on my cheek. Most people would not even notice it, and in fact, I have never had clients act so childishly. Trying not to be surprised, I just explained that it was what it was and moved on. But he seemed to focus a little longer on it, expressing how I should not have such blemishes.
We moved on and continued our appointment.
Then there was another incident that occurred 2 or 3 times, in separate appointments. He asked me to lie on my tummy so he could give me a back massage (not a strange request from clients). So I turned over on my front and allowed him to proceed with the task. When he got down to my buttocks he said, “Your butt is very saggy, you need to work out.” I think I actually started laughing because this man was either high on drugs or lost his marbles.
I did not even need to explain myself to him, because I know and most anyone who’s seen my little bum knows how tight it is. I took his comment as a joke and we moved along.
Over a course of a few more sessions, I did realize this “joke” in his mind was no joke at all. He honestly believed it was droopy. LOL (oh boy, I still laugh just thinking about this!)
Things went on, and I continued putting up with his increasingly snobby behaviors. I turned a blind eye to his judgment of the clothing I wore for him. He was either impressed or not very happy. He would tell me on multiple occasions that I should maybe stay in this business for another 2 years and then get out. LOL Like that was his choice to make?
Then one day a very weird question was posed, “Would you continue to see me even after you leave this business? Just me? Even after you get married and have a family?” I told him I would not continue seeing anyone, including him, once I got out of the industry.
Then the final session came when he finally went too far -
We just sat down on the bed and started chatting about nothing in particular, when all of a sudden he said, “What is wrong with your face?”
I was dumb founded. Not quite sure what he was referring to I said, “I honestly don’t know what you mean.”
He said that I looked flushed. But I looked in the mirror and seemed to look just as my usual self. I told him, there was nothing wrong but he just wouldn’t have any of that. He kept insisting to know what was wrong with me. At that moment I turned to face him, because I became more than a little peeved and said in all seriousness, “I am not sure what is going on with you, but this has got to stop! If I tell you everything is fine and I mean it, than you do not continue badgering me with your weird and negative questions.”
He went silent, we both looked at each other in evaluation. He apologized and I sat down trying to get back into a good mood. It took a few seconds but I regained my composure.
The session went on, until we returned to conversation. We were talking about how busy we’ve been and I told him that in the last 3 days I haven’t had time to do my regular daily exercise (that was how busy things were). To which he chimed in, “yes, I notice when you don’t work out.” LMAO
I let that slide but I think my eyes got a little wide when I heard him say it. What was this guy smoking? LOL…
The following day, I wrote him an email. I quite literally said, you need to think before you speak and if you don’t have something positive to say just keep those thoughts to yourself. That I do have feelings, and if he is not satisfied with me there are plenty of escorts out there. It is very simple just to start seeing another escort.
He was very apologetic and called himself a stupid man, begging me to forgive him. And even though I forgave him in my email…I realized I could not see him again.
Did he really hurt my feelings in the end? I can’t really explain this because I know my worth. Then again, I never continued seeing anyone who criticized me so openly. Or likely they did not want to continue seeing me if they felt there were better options.
In any case, I blocked his email (and I know he’s been trying to contact me) because yesterday I saw that he’d called my phone. Which is a big "no-no" that all of my clients know about. I did not pick up.